July 5, 2024
?: A question mark

?: A question mark Story

Seven students go to a location surrounded by trees to film their senior project. Later on, all that’s discovered is a camera that contains their film’s footage.

?: A question mark Review:

At a time when information is abundant, getting people to watch an experimental film can be difficult. However, it seems that the creators have come up with a very creative way to draw attention. Simply by giving their movie the name it has, they appear to have piqued people’s interest online and provided potential material for tweets.

The Blair Witch Project, a 1999 guerilla Hollywood hit, serves as the film’s primary model, while there may have been further influences. However, this is a clever localized scare-flick that mostly depends on a concept to identify its identity. Aside from the more obvious trick of portraying everything as camera-captured footage, the movie avoids employing typical horror movie accessories in favor of depending more on the heroes’ powerlessness to elicit empathy.

The filmmakers eschew any kind of excessive cinematography. The screen briefly dissolves, resembling a pebble dropped into water until the spirits subtly reveal their presence before returning to normal. Even though the spirits are wicked, they rarely scream—instead, they usually merely make soft murmurs. Both monsters and deceptive background music are absent. However, sounds can be employed effectively to frighten, such as a dull thump or a loud crash.

Produced on a bare-bones budget, this artful experimental film makes excellent use of dialogue and employs precise camerawork. If not for the seven people’s natural acting, most of whom were inexperienced, it would not have worked. They act and seem like true pals. In the scene where the spirits send her into a frenzy, the character named Simraan has a specific meaning. That is the pinnacle of physical acting.

Regretfully, the lack of actor and technician names in the credits highlights the film’s “fake” authenticity. The director is even identified as the one who “compiled the footage.” Still, proceed and immerse yourself in terror. Watching the movie together may cause couples to cling to one another for reasons other than love.

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