July 5, 2024



Specter A sizable monetary reward entices a bunch of strangers, all of whom have had difficult pasts, to enter an escape room. They soon learn that there’s more to this game than meets the eye as they work their way through the hazards and challenges it contains.


Throwing a group of unsuspecting victims into a room full of surprises is a tried and true tactic. It’s scary and exciting because it’s a fight for survival. Season 1 of director Zenofar Fathima’s three-episode series Spectre Blackout’ begins with this interesting plot where we see a few people from different streets being invited to take a test that could end all their problems. Among them are an actor, a failed model coordinator, and others whose identity, mission, or purpose in life has been left to the public for one reason or another. In the cut, we see them all in a dark room after they surrender their cell phones and agree to enter an unknown location. It’s an interesting idea to see a motley crew bring good things to a strange, unexpected place, and we’ve seen it work on ‘Saw’ and shows like ‘The Squid Game.’ But here the excitement of the first turns into a mess that has nothing to do with what, why, how, or where the story is going. It’s probably a ploy to create more intrigue and tension, but it leaves a lot to be desired as the story has no connection to the direction.

Although the atmospherics in the dark rooms are masterfully set up, it is very difficult to connect with the characters because of the abrupt background score and the writing’s gaps. A well-developed storyline with clear action and some background information on the individuals’ pasts would have gone a long way toward making this escape room drama an exciting adventure. Rather, a lot of potential is lost on gimmicky jump scares, shoddy execution, and fear-inducing techniques that frequently seem forced and unsatisfactory in terms of actually sending shivers down your spine.

All in all, the performances are passable except for a few character performers who overact excessively. These kinds of shows rely on their capacity to hold viewers‘ attention while delivering an equal amount of drama, suspense, and thrills. Because the first season of “Specter Blackout” ends on a sudden cliffhanger, hopefully, the second season will make up for it with a much more powerful and exciting journey.

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