July 8, 2024
Minus 31: The Nagpur Files

Minus 31: The Nagpur Files Date of Release: 21 Jul, 2023

language: Hindi


The movie, which is set in Nagpur during the COVID-19 lockdown, follows a police officer as she cracks a high-profile murder investigation. A politician who is opposed to a resolution to the issue gets involved in the inquiry about a missing girl. Will the detective solve the mystery?

Minus 31: The Nagpur Files Review:

With the terrifying COVID-19 lockdown environment and health emergency as a backdrop, director Pratik Moitro presents us with a suspenseful and sinister crime drama. Preksha Sharma (Rucha Inamdar), a young, feisty police inspector, looks into the death of Dayanand Pande (Rajesh Sharma), a prominent businessman. Obstacles in the case include uncooperative relatives, politicians blocking the inquiry, and the missing teenager Preksha Meshram (Nisha Dhar), a budding hip-hop artist who is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Preksha must cope with the outbursts of her irascible father Anupam Sharma (Raghubir Yadav) while attempting to unravel the mystery.

Composed by Moitro, Charulata Maitra, and Ankit Bhuptani, the narrative isn’t exactly a suspenseful whodunit. However, it is more of a multi-layered viewing, showing hustling kids from the lower middle class and stressed family dynamics as elders disregard the wants, goals, and opinions of the younger generation. Preksha Sharma and Preksha Meshram were reared by males who bullied them and didn’t have a mother figure at home. Additionally, there is Gautam Agarwal (Shivankit Singh Parihar), a forensics specialist who turns to alcoholism because he can’t stand his parents.

The movie has a strong atmosphere from start to finish, whether it is because of the dimly lit tannery or slums, the personal lives of the protagonists, corruption during the worst humanitarian crisis, or the history of the murder. And all of this is juxtaposed with the hip-hop culture that the underclass uses to vent their frustrations.
Rucha Inamdar is a formidable police officer, a devout daughter, and a young lady who aspires to be more in life. It’s an unusual perspective to draw a comparison between her and the missing rapper. Rajesh Sharma and Shivankit Singh Parihar are equally impressive performers, but Raghubir Yadav, as the resentful and disfigured former police officer, steals the show.

The soundtrack for the film, which was composed by Hip Hop Bhaiya, Yash Sahai, and Udayan Dharmadhikari (who also did the background score), is excellent and complements the mood and style of the movie.

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