July 7, 2024
Jorugaa Husharugaa

Jorugaa Husharugaa Date of Release: December 15, 2023

Starring: Siri Hanumanthu, Madhunandan, Sai Kumar, Rohini, Brahmaji, Pujita Ponnada, Sonu Thakur, and Viraj Ashwin

Anu Prasad, the director

Nireesh Thiruveedula is the producer.

Director of Music: Praneeth Muzic

Mahi Reddy Pandugula, cinematographer

Editor: Venkatesh Marthand K.

early celebrity Today saw the big screen premiere of Jorugaa Husharugaa, a new film starring Pujita Ponnada and Viraj Ashwin. Check out our review to learn how it functions.


Santhosh (Viraj Ashwin) is a happy man who works in a Hyderabadi advertising agency. He is taken aback when his girlfriend Nitya (Pujita Ponnada) joins the team and takes over as team leader at work. When Anand (Madhunandan), Santhosh’s supervisor, develops feelings for Nitya, things become more difficult. Santhosh is bothered by this and the fact that he must settle his father’s debt. Has Santhosh’s financial and romantic issues been resolved? How did he manage it all? The answers are in the movie.

 Extra Credits:

In this film, Viraj Ashwin plays another lover-boy role, Baby, and tries his best to make sure that everyone has a classy time. He also displayed excellent dancing abilities.

Pujita Ponnada has a pleasant on-screen presence in addition to having a great appearance thanks to her cool and bubbly persona. Her relationship with Viraj Ashwin gives the movie an endearing touch.

In their respective parts, Madhunandan and Rajesh Khanna give good performances that include amusing moments.

Negative Points:

Even prior to the intermission, the plot is simple and readily foreseeable. Sadly, the second half falls flat due to its slow pacing, squandering the chance to tell a more captivating story. Anu Prasad, the writer and director, could have done a better job with this.

The movie barely makes use of the talents of Sai Kumar and Rohini Molleti, whose characters don’t really make an impression.

More depth is needed in the emotional bond between the father, Sai Kumar, and son, Viraj. The emotional resonance of the movie might have been improved by taking a more concentrated approach to crafting powerful moments between them.

Technical Aspects:

Anu Prasad finds it difficult to leave a lasting impression in his roles as writer and director. The attempt to establish the necessary emotional depth for a compelling love drama is unsuccessful.

With the help of the production team, cinematographer Mahi Reddy Pandugala gives the scenes more visual depth, while music director Praneeth Muzic provides an ok score. The editing is passable but could be better, especially in the second part.


Jorugaa Husharugaa is a love drama that isn’t executed well overall. The film features wholesome humor and respectable performances from the main actors, particularly Viraj Ashwin. The disadvantages include predictable moments, emotional lapses, and pacing problems.

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