July 8, 2024
Golda Movie Review

Golda Movie Review


Critic’s Rating: 2.5/5

Golda Movie Review-story

Story: The three weeks immediately preceding the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when Israel was suddenly attacked by the combined armies of Egypt and Syria, are the focus of the film “Golda.” The focus of the movie is on the strategy meetings that Golda Meir has with her generals and advisers.

Golda Movie Review: “Golda” delves into a dark chapter in Israel’s history when the nation faced an invasion by Soviet-backed Egyptian and Syrian forces on Yom Kippur, their holiest day. The film mainly focuses on Golda Meir, the prime minister of Israel at the time, who led the country through this crisis with her unwavering determination and tremendous courage. Despite Helen Mirren’s excellent performance as Golda Meir, the film continues to struggle to make an impact and engage the audience. “Slggish” is a more apt term to describe the film, hampered by a film that lacks ridges and waves. The inherent tension of the subject does not reach its full potential throughout the film. While Mirren gives the project her all, the rest of the film doesn’t match her efforts.

The film’s plot revolves around Israel’s sudden conflict with its neighbors, but it focuses on Golda Meir’s determination and wit as she tries to face a significant challenge in a space dominated by male colleagues. There was also a time when Golda was battling cancer and experiencing the early stages of dementia. The purpose of the film is to reveal the human side of Meir during the war.

Memorable movie scenes: Golda’s intense phone threat to Kissinger and his amusing demand for immediate food delivery stand out.

Helen Mirren is currently one of the world’s most accomplished actresses, and this biographical drama provides as further confirmation. It is difficult to picture anyone other than Mirren filling Golda’s role. The way Mirren smokes, walks, or strolls on the rooftop by herself while alone is textbook-perfect. She delivers with accuracy despite being weighed down by numerous layers of heavy prosthetics. There are times throughout the movie when you may truly begin to mistake Mirren for Meir. Mirren does a fantastic job in this tough part, which calls for authority, sympathy, and a hint of fear.

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