July 5, 2024
Dadur Kirti

Director Rahool Mukherjee’s Dadur Kirti is making its debut with great promotion, acting, and coordination. Archbishop Satinath (Paran Bandopadhyay) hatches a plan to seduce his family by showing her in his bed with his wife (Anashua Majumdar) and guardian Rafiq (Satyam Bhattacharya). After this, his four children appear with their families.

Dadur Kirti, Here we learn about the malevolent Mrinal (Shantilal Mukherjee), who mentors Haimanti (Chandreyee Ghosh), leftist Nikhilesh (Durbar Sharma), and estranged youngest Binodini (Avery Singha Roy). We also learn about their problems with each other, their spouses, their children, their mothers, and their fathers. However, in its effort to explore individual stories and human relationships, the story continues to create tension but sometimes falls short of melodrama.

Playing well brings with it many challenges as the players in the team are very well positioned. The family faces many challenges, from dead girls to emergency room attacks. Rahool Mukherjee (Kishmish, Dilkush) tries to show the problems of individuals and this slows down the pace considerably at times. Shantilal Mukherjee as Mrinal gives a heartfelt performance; Chandree Ghosh‘s Haimanti, on the other hand, is extremely realistic with its problems and prejudices. Paran Bandopadhyay is a comic protest ably supported by Anashua Majumdar, the voice of ideas. As for the youngsters, Rwitobroto Mukherjee (Saikat), Srijla Guha (Pritha), and Soham Maitra (Palash) are doing well, but the growing romance between Pritha and Rafiq seems forced.

The beautiful landscape is captured by Modhura Palit’s expert eye and the way the camera moves makes the second part of the series fly by. Maybe that’s why so many questions remain unanswered, and maybe they will be answered in the series. This seems likely. Overall, Dadur Kirti is a fun watch that entertains the whole family.

Read also: Next Web series Parasyte The Grey

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