July 5, 2024
Godzilla x Kong

Godzilla x Kong Starring Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens, Brian Tyree Henry, and Kaylee Hottle

Adam Wingard, director

The language is subtitled in English.

Available On: Theaters

Runtime: 115 Minutes.

What’s Good: The film brilliantly focuses on the kaiju and acknowledges that this is the main reason that people purchase tickets.

The film’s storyline is quite straightforward, which may turn off some viewers because it has a distinct Saturday morning cartoon feel to it.

Loo Break: This movie has broken because, even though it takes its time setting up certain scenes and never really picks up the pace, it would be a shame to miss anything.

Should You Watch It?: For those kaiju lovers who have been waiting for a film that truly concentrates on the creatures, placing the human characters on a lower level, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is a must-see.

Evaluation of the Script: 

It appeared that the MonsterVerse was taking the dark, serious route that still ranks the 1954 original Godzilla as one of the most significant motion picture records in history when it made its debut in 2014 with the release of Gareth Edwards’ “Godzilla.” But as more and more films were released, it became evident that the Western adaptation of Godzilla would take the same path that the original monster did after making its debut.

This is just a way for me to emphasize how drastically different Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) are from one another. The first Japanese Godzilla movie tells a sobering and devastating tale of the horrors of nuclear weapons, something that only Japan has personally experienced. However, the tone of the subsequent films gradually lightened, and all of a sudden the terrifying Godzilla ceased to be a terrifying nightmare and evolved into a hero who even serves as a role model for children everywhere.

The screenplay by Terry Rossio, Simon Barrett, and Jeremy Slater may not be the most complex, but its simplicity is what makes it so amazing because it gives human characters something to do, preventing them from feeling completely useless, and it treats our main kaiju like real characters in the film rather than just a succession of walking disasters, even though that is what they are as well.

Star-Studded Performance:

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire presents Godzilla and Kong as the primary heroes more so than in any previous film, which means that the human characters are largely a supporting cast. This is a wise decision because audiences attend these kinds of films primarily to see the enormous monsters, so setting up the scene for that to occur will undoubtedly appeal to many fans of the genre and even some viewers who might not have considered that merely focusing on the kaiju could be entertaining enough. Both Godzilla and Kong have distinct personalities, and by the movie’s conclusion, it’s clear what kind of individuals they would be if they were human.

The human cast does a good job of fulfilling their roles; even if they are not the main emphasis, they are still important to the story and occasionally the characters have some touching moments that further improve the film. Dan Stevens appears to be a welcome addition, and Kaylee Hottle, looking more mature, demonstrates her ability to execute well.

Direction, Music:

Being the director of Godzilla Vs. Kong, which became one of the most popular movies in theaters during the pandemic and breathed new life into the MonsterVerse, Adam Wingard has undoubtedly felt like the franchise’s savior. Previous entries in the series had struggled to find their true voice and direction. Wingard has decided to follow in the footsteps of the silly and cartoonish Godzilla movies, which did quite well in Japan at the time. Wingard’s films, nevertheless, retain a certain something that prevents them from fully veering into the cartoonish; as you watch the movie, it strikes a pleasant balance.

Wingard also has a great sense of the epic, and this new movie features a lot of heart-pounding scenes. The audience will also remember all of the film’s goals because of its straightforward plot. There are some truly amazing battle scenes in this film, and they should be shown on the largest theater screen available. Wingard and his crew should be proud of their ability to create such a grandiose tentpole movie while maintaining a lighthearted and enjoyable tone.

Final Word:

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is a masterful picture with enough of entertaining set pieces, stunning visual effects, and poignant moments to keep you interested on nearly every level. It truly excels at what it does. You won’t remember this movie for its characters, but you will remember the moments of how much fun they were. The premise may be too simple for some, but it allows the film to stay focused on what matters most.

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